Symbiotes empower the natural abilities of a host to the point where they far exceed that of normal members of the hosts species. These abilities include the following:
Superhuman strength.
Superior speed and agility, enhances other physical attributes as well.
Enhanced durability and resistance to damage.
Genetic memory, recalling information from previous hosts.
Enhanced healing ability.
Can expand to any size as long as they have something to grow on such as a host or an object. Symbiotes can get inside of small areas such as electric wires and the insides of cars and completely disable them. The symbiote also reacts to the thoughts and will of the host. When Spider-Man was originally selected, he had been thinking about Spider-Woman's costume in the Secret Wars. The symbiote acted on this and formed a similar costume, the one seen on him and Venom. The following are functions that have been demonstrated from various hosts' wills (but are not limited to):
The ability to form fangs or simple bladed weapons out of their limbs.
The ability to form additional appendages: limbs, wings and tendrils out of their body
The ability to shape-shift, from mimicking clothing up to and including complete change of appearance and stature.
The ability to blend with its surroundings.
The ability to stick to walls (adapted from Spider-Man).
The ability to produce webbing from its own mass (adapted from Spider-Man).
The ability to bypass the Spider-Sense (because the original symbiote was attached to Peter first, it took his genetic information and spider-powers. This means that the symbiote attacking Peter would essentially be Peter attacking himself, which wouldn't set off his Spider-Sense; during the Clone Saga, this became complicated, as Venom did set off Ben Reilly's Spider-Sense, but Carnage apparently did not).
The ability to create storage portals inside of them (This created easy access to Peter's camera).
Each symbiote has their own unique ability, such as Carnage being able to see from every direction of his body (this is similar to Spider-Man's spider sense).